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When you're looking to get your available positions in front of qualified job candidates and interns, there's no better place than the CFP Board Career Center.
Looking to grow your team?
The CFP Board Career Center is the best place to start when you’re seeking new talent. Find the perfect candidate by posting your job at the CFP Board Career Center.
Connect with some of the best candidates in the field for your financial planning positions: current CFP® professionals, those pursuing CFP® certification and students looking for internships and entry-level roles. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to find highly-qualified candidates who can help your firm grow.
We promote the Career Center to more than 100,000 CFP® professionals, as well as thousands of candidates who are looking for the financial planning experience they need to complete their CFP® certification. Job posts see an average of almost 300 job seeker views per listing. Your next great hire may be just a few clicks away!
Connect with thousands of job seekers who already hold or are currently pursuing the standard of excellence in financial planning: CFP® certification.