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Keep up to date on the latest CFP® certification news and events, while staying on top of best practices, trends and resources for the financial planning profession. Connect with us to provide your thoughts, expertise and feedback.

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We bring you only the most relevant updates, events and news for CFP® professionals, consumers and others interested in the financial planning profession, delivered no more than once a month.
CFP Board Report Newsletter
A monthly newsletter with the latest updates on CFP Board activities, policies and initiatives, including upcoming events and resources to help you get the most from your CFP® certification.
CFP BOARD Center for Financial Planning Newsletter
A quarterly newsletter detailing progress on the Center's mission to create a more diverse and sustainable financial planning profession.
Let’s Make A Plan Newsletter
A monthly consumer newsletter with timely financial planning tips from CFP® professionals.
More on CFP® Certificant Connections
Each year, we host town hall-style meetings around the country to give you the opportunity to engage with CFP Board's leadership. Registration is complimentary, and meeting invitations are sent as details are finalized.
CFP Board's leadership hosts a CFP® Certificant Connection webinar after each Board of Directors meeting to share the latest updates and answer questions from CFP® professionals and others.
CFP Board Emeritus®
The CFP Board Emeritus® membership program recognizes the long standing service of individuals who are no longer practicing financial planning and want to stay affiliated with the CFP® professional community. Learn more about eligibility and benefits.