Mr. Derrik J. Hubbard
The Stewardship Solution
2200 Knoll Ln
Germantown, TN 38138-4513
CFP Board’s prior Bankruptcy Disclosure Procedures (effective July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2020) required public notice of a CFP® professional’s bankruptcy disclosure within the previous 10 years. Those disclosures will remain on CFP Board’s website for 10 years from the date that the CFP® professional disclosed the bankruptcy to CFP Board or the date CFP Board became aware of the bankruptcy, whichever is earlier.
In addition to FINRA and the SEC, additional information is available on the websites for the state securities and insurance regulator in the states in which the CFP® professional is licensed.
Visit FINRA's BrokerCheck and the SEC's Investment Adviser Public Disclosure for those who are subject to FINRA or SEC oversight.
CFP Board Disciplinary History
In September 2021, the Disciplinary and Ethics Commission (Commission) issued an order in which Mr. Hubbard received a Public Censure. The Commission imposed this sanction after determining that Mr. Hubbard did not timely file his federal taxes between 2013 and 2018, resulting in tax liens filed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) totaling $172,000, with accrued interest and penalties. Although Mr. Hubbard defaulted on a prior installment agreement with the IRS, he entered into a new installment agreement in 2019 and currently is in compliance with it. He provided evidence of filing his 2019 and 2020 tax returns and demonstrated that he does not have a tax balance for those years. The State of California also issued tax liens against Mr. Hubbard in 2014 and 2015, totaling over $27,000. He is currently in compliance with a California installment agreement as well. The Commission determined that Mr. Hubbard’s conduct violated Rule 6.5 of the Rules of Conduct, which provides that a certificant shall not engage in conduct which reflects adversely on his integrity or fitness as a certificant, upon the CFP® marks, or upon the profession. Accordingly, the Commission determined to issue Mr. Hubbard a Public Censure.
About CFP Board's Disciplinary Process
Ethical conduct is a central requirement of the CFP® certification, and CFP Board actively enforces its ethical standards. All individuals who hold the CFP® certification agree to abide by the rigorous ethics and practice standards contained in CFP Board’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct (Code and Standards). In situations where CFP Board learns that a CFP® professional’s conduct may be in violation of the Standards, it conducts an investigation following the process outlined in CFP Board’s Disciplinary Rules and Procedures.
The Disciplinary and Ethics Commission (formerly known as the Board of Professional Review) is responsible for interpreting and applying CFP Board's Code and Standards to specific fact situations involving professionals and imposing, where necessary, the appropriate discipline. The Commission may impose several types of discipline, up to the permanent revocation of an individual’s right to use the CFP® certification marks. Individuals who are listed above with indication of a CFP Board public disciplinary history have received a public discipline – either a public letter of admonition, suspension of CFP® certification, or permanent revocation of CFP® certification. Individuals may also be disciplined privately with a cautionary letter or private censure; a private discipline is confidential and not available to the public through this search function or other means.