You can help fulfill someone's dream of becoming a CFP® professional. Your gift to one of CFP Board Center for Financial Planning scholarship programs enables qualified individuals to start or complete the education requirement for attaining CFP® certification. These scholarship programs are building the talent pipeline and fostering diversity.
The Deena Jo Heide-Diesslin Foundation Challenge Match Scholarship
This fund offers scholarships to qualified individuals who can demonstrate financial need and are from underrepresented populations.
LeCount R. Davis, CFP® Endowed Scholarship
The LeCount R. Davis, CFP® Endowed Scholarship program will assist qualified Black or African American students and professionals who are committed to attaining CFP® certification and to the practice of financial planning.
Richard B. Wagner Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund honoring the memory of Dick Wagner was created to advance and diversify the CFP® professional workforce.
The WIN Endowed Scholarship program will award up to $5,000 per qualified student seeking to complete an undergraduate-level or a certificate-level CFP Board Registered Program.
Make A contribution
Support one of our scholarship programs and help us create a more diverse and sustainable financial planning profession.