View Now: June 2015 Business Update Webinar Recording
During this webinar, hosted by Felicia Gopaul, CFP®, President, College Funding Resource and CFP Board Ambassador in Orange County, CA, panelists Richard Rojeck, CFP®, 2015 Chair of CFP Board’s Board of Directors, and Kevin R. Keller, CAE, CFP Board's CEO, shared the latest news about CFP Board’s work to uphold the CFP® certification.
Topics addressed include:
- Updates from the June 2015 meeting of CFP Board’s Board of Directors
- Update on the status of DOL's fiduciary proposal
- New research documenting the progress of CFP Board's Public Awareness Campaign
- CFP Board’s work to achieve growth with integrity
- The new CFP Board Career Center
- Updates on CFP Board's Women's Initiative (WIN)
- Certification requirement updates
- Answers to questions from the audience
View the recorded webinar