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Look for Our TV Ad on National Cable Networks This Week!

April 05, 2015

CFP Board’s Public Awareness Campaign TV ad is back on air for its spring run through April 12.

Look for the ad during programming on popular cable channels like AMC, BBC America, CNBC, Fox News, Golf Channel, HGTV, MSNBC, National Geographic, NBC Sports, TNT and The Weather Channel. 

Help Spread the Word!

CFP® professionals can access the Public Awareness Campaign Toolkit to:

…and access other resources for raising awareness of the CFP® certification.

The Public Awareness Campaign, now in its fifth year, has made a significant impact on Americans’ awareness of CFP® certification and the value of working with CFP® professionals. Unaided awareness among the target audience saw a dramatic 6 percentage point increase in 2014, according to a brand tracking study conducted by IPSOS. Since the campaign began in 2011, unaided awareness among the target audience has increased 13 percentage points – going from 17 to 30 percent.